Sunday, January 30, 2011

Forgotten Mills of North Carolina

By Ruth A. Ringelstetter

Every year on our photography trips, we try to hunt up as many mills as we can. In the spring of 2010, we took our trip to North Carolina. In my research, I had found that this was a land of many mills. And many of the mills had been or are still water-powered (our favorite).

Some of the mills are still open and grinding flour, or have become historic sites and are deserving of a story all their own. Others are forgotten little mills sitting along lonely back roads, sometimes on a road appropriately named “something” Mill Road.

Maybe you remember our post about the Mast General Store. That same morning, after leaving the store, we started to drive some backroads in search of our favorite subjects. The descriptions I had for our first mill said the mill was a few miles down a back road. We started down the road following close to the river. When we had driven more than twice what my directions had said, we started to wonder if we were following the wrong road or if maybe the mill was gone. Finally we found a man outside his house, and we pulled in to ask him if he knew of the mill. He told us it was just down the road.

For our first North Carolina mill, it was amazing. It stretched out along the river and we drove to the end of it to find a small farm driveway to park in. The mill was built in 1890 by Bill Ward, and washed away in a 1901 flood. It was rebuilt as a grist and saw mill. After Bill’s death, his son took over the mill. While Bill’s interest had mainly been the grist mill, his son Ben’s main interest was the saw mill. In 1940 another flood damaged the mill, and in 1947, the grist mill was shut down.

The next day, as we drove some state highways to leave the mountains, I had to take us off of the main route to drive Stepp Mill Road. Our goal was to find an old mill with a 34 foot waterwheel that may be the biggest remaining in North Carolina. As we passed the mill at the bridge, we could see the huge waterwheel looming out over the hillside. The present day mill evolved over 100 years. It was progressively built higher and higher on the hillside with the dam being raised each time. The original level of milling sometimes flooded, but the milling operations stayed dry two stories above.

After this mill, we went back to the main highway to continue to the Piedmont area which is more flat and easier to navigate. We enjoyed our time in the mountains, but it is much harder to get around, and there are few places to pull off for photos. I noticed a road on the map called McKinney Mill Road. I didn’t find a mill on that road during my research for the trip, but since the road headed in the general direction of our current path, I couldn’t resist having Joann turn off.

As we got away from the noise of the highway, we came upon the old mill sitting silently along the West Fork of Sandy Run Creek. A small sign in front of the mill told us that this was indeed McKinney Mill, erected in 1860 and that William M. Packard was the millwright. So far, that is our only information about this old mill.

It was still early, and we hadn’t had breakfast yet. Since it was our first quiet road of the morning, we decided this was a good place to eat our picnic breakfast. As Joann made her way around the mill photographing it, I opened the back hatch and took strawberries and yogurt from the cooler and some granola from the pantry bag and made us each a fruit and yogurt parfait. Then, when she finished her photos, we stood in the quiet, listening to the sound of the water and the birds in the trees around the mill.

The next day we visited several well-known mills including the Old Mill of Guilford. The rest of the day had us finding many old tobacco barns and old general stores. At the end of the day, on the way to our motel, we drove one more mill road. This one was Dickey Mill Road, and we found the old boarded up mill sitting along Quaker Creek.

Normally I have a plan for our first morning photos, but the next night when we were too tired to go on, we found the closest motel. As I checked the maps and my research that night, I couldn’t find a plan for what to do the next morning. We decided to head in the direction of some old mills I had marked and see what we could hunt up.

Our first mill of the day was Blackman’s Mill, and even as we were photographing it, I couldn’t figure out if this was really the mill. Oh, it was a mill all right, but the road it was supposed to be on was Maple Grove Church Road. The road sign and my gazetteer said we were on Oak Grove Church Road. As Joann was processing the photos for this story, she called me and, after looking at our information and the gazetteer, we decided that this was indeed Blackman’s Mill.

Our next stop was Warren Mills. This was a location with an old and newer mill. The newer mill was a feed mill and not very picturesque, but as we drove a little further and saw the old mill, we were amazed. This was one of those mills that was built right over the water.

The only problem with this mill was that there were not many angles Joann could photograph from, since she couldn’t walk up to and around it. Nonetheless, it was a very interesting mill.

Later that day, we drove a loose gravel road called Water Mill Road. My only information was that there was a small frame mill on this road. Again it was a mill built over the water, with a lot of vegetation, so Joann couldn’t walk up to it. The gazetteer shows that the mill sits on Walters millpond, so perhaps this mill was called Walters Mill. Since we have no other information, we may never know.

That’s the way it is with some of these forgotten mills. They aren’t in a populated area, and the miller who cared about the mill has passed on. Sometimes family cares enough to keep them standing, and sometimes they slowly fall into ruins. We are always thrilled to find an old mill in any condition, since we know how much it costs to keep the mills standing, and how much more it costs to keep them functioning.

So here’s to everyone who cares about an old mill. Even though you may not know it, there are a lot of people like us, driving the backroads, and appreciating your hard work and determination in keeping your mill standing.

Happy Shunpiking!

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  1. The pictures of Warren's Mill and pond bring back childhood memories when I went with my older brother to the mill & he was supposed to help me learn to swim. Instead, he frightened me so that I never learned to swim until I went to college. All your pics and writings are great & enjoyable. Wilson's Mill near Midway on Hwy 421 is likely in such disrepair it would be unrecognizable. Houses's Mill is another mill in that area (known now as House-Autry) with special memories. My years in Sampson County were 1933-1951).

  2. When you were in Rutherford County, you were so close to another great mill that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Just down the road from you is the Carson-Andrews Mill. Now, I can't be too critical because I had no idea that the McKinney Mill was there either! Here are 3 links to pictures I have of the Carson-Andrews Mill:

  3. You rock! How do I find old mills in Wake, Durham and Orange Counties in NC? What kind of research did you do?

    1. I own Myatt Mill in wake county. It is for sale.
      919 349 1374
      Scott Champion

    2. Scott, if your mill is for sale, you should contact the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (SPOOM). They might be able to help you get the word out.

  4. For anyone interested in the locations of old mills anywhere in the country, your best bet is to join SPOOM (the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills),, where you can get access to detailed lists, by county, of all the mills in each state. Happy Mill Hunting!

  5. Terrific photos! Love old mills-- NC or elsewhere. Thanks!

  6. I too am a lover of old water-powered mills. If you find yourself in Hudson Valley area of New York state, please check out the Mill at Green Hole (website of the same name) in Hillsdale NY. Quite extraordinary - my friend Stephen bought it years ago and has fully-restored it to working order - water powered cider mill, blacksmith shop, and saw mill....with a big 56" working saw! Check it out at
    Thanks for sharing your pics...I'm planning to visit NC mountains this Fall and visit some of the mills you've referenced.

    Safe Travels

    1. Thanks for the tip on the Mill at Green Hole. Sounds and looks like a wonderful place. We haven't made it to New York yet, but would love to some day. Have fun in NC. We could have used a lot more time there to explore the backroads. Safe travels to you, too!

  7. I stumbled across your blog and really enjoyed this post about the NC grist/saw mills. I've been hunting mills for a couple years now and they, along with covered bridges and lighthouses, are structures I always search out to try to photograph. If interested, you can see some of my mill photos at Thanks for sharing this since you've now given me a couple more mills to add to my to-photograph list!

  8. I have an old mill stone from a mill right below my house on grassy creek, in shoals nc, how can I possibly find pictures or history of this mill

    1. Hi Jason, you might try starting with the Surry County Historical Society and also the Historical Society of North Carolina. Another possible resource is the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (they have extensive lists, including NC mills and mill sites). You can find all these via Google. I hope this helps and good luck!

  9. I've been trying to do extensive research on Joab Fountain (1750-1800) of Duplin County and the grist mill once at the Lee Baysden Pond. It is family land passed down, sold out of family, and in 2020 we purchased it back. The mill was known in documents in late 1700s. Was later known as Wilson Fountain Mill and was ran as a working mill til late 1930s early 1940s when a hurricane/flood washed it away. We are trying to gather any information and/or pictures and not having a lot of luck except a few articles. No pictures yet. We would love to build a replica back and keep up the history and story line. If you have any advice I would appreciate it.

    1. Contessa, it's great that you have gotten the land back into your family. Please use the Contact Us form at the top of the page to privately provide your email address so that I can send you some suggested sources to pursue in your historical search.
